

          Recently, due to this Pandemic we are looking to be healthy.  But we also need to understand about Wellness.  Wellness is something different in terms of health.  Before to know, what wellness means?  We need to understand why we need Wellness in Our Life?

          We are living a life which is very fast in development of technology.  We are running to achieve success in Personal life and Professional life.  But Wellness is not about Success, its about making our life Significant.

          Wellness is about practicing some good habits (Productive) on a daily basis to attain better Physical and Mental health outcomes,  it will results in Significant life, not being surviving.

Importance of Wellness:

          The top priority in our life is to taking care of our self, its not an easy one.  You have many commitments like work, family and friends but at the end of the day we have worth one i.e our Health.  An individual Personal Wellness is the top priority to achieve in our Professional Wellness.

   Here are some tips to achieve Wellness,

Find your passion:

          Deciding that you are going to start focusing on Wellness as a passion.  It may be going to gym, running, exercise, swimming and so on.  Initially, it is difficult to start, it takes time to make it as a habit.

         Personally, I'm a Boxer,  I like to do Cardio Workout in my training. I feel it helps me to increase endurance.

Be Productive in Your Time:

          You can think, I don't have enough time to do this Wellness activity like exercise.  You need to ask whether am I using my time efficiently to the fullest Potential?  Is there anything you can cut or shorten any activity?    Or else  If you don't know where's your time is going, you can do Time Budgeting for a Week.  Then you can analyse where is your time going....

Follow a Routine:

          Making your wellness activity as your routine isn't easy.  It needs consistency to make as a habit.  Stopping for a day makes it hard to get back to into this, Restarting once again after some breaks is very hard part.  eg:  We are doing fitness routine, we feel pain at initial days.  If we stop due to pain at that time, it's hard to start once again.

          This routine will become a part of your day. like Brushing.  Schedule it.

Transfer Your Skill:

          We need to remember that working out is not just good for our body.  Exercise also helps develop valuable skills that you can transfer in your life.  Personally, I am an Ex NCC Cadet, doing some exercise, punishment beyond our limit helps me to improve my will power, good character and leadership quality also..

Reward Yourself:

          Every time when you progress in your fitness goal or personal life  reward yourself for it.  Every person shouldn't appreciate your work in your personal life.  Appreciating your work will increase your confident.  Be proud of your consistent training or work each day.  It makes happier and healthier yourself.

          Finally,  Prioritizing Wellness is easy with these above tips.  If you have right mindset and make a conscious effect, you can focus on  both your personal and professional wellness.

                            And then you'll be thankful what you did it Consciously !!!


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