We had done this amazing and simplest full body workout in our golden Childhood days. Am I right??? And without our knowledge.. let we know how beneficial even 10 mins we spend in this workout..
Why it is full body workout?
Skipping is a full body workout. The muscles involved in this is Upper body and Lower body muscles. Legs to jump the rope and Shoulder, Arm and Core Muslces. In legs quadriceps,calves, hamstring muscles are involved. Groups of muscles in lower and upper body is involved in this Workout.
Significance of Skipping:
Skipping have lots of benefits in our body and prevent us from illness. Let we see it what will do
▪︎Improves Stamina
▪︎ Tones our Upper and Lower Body
▪︎ Strengthen our Cardiovascular System
▪︎Great tool for Weight loss
▪︎ Strengthen our bones
1.Improves Stamina:
This simple fullbody workout will give great stamina and endurance. This will help us in shortness of breath while doing various activities.
2. Tones our body:
Regular Skipping helps in toning our upper and lower body.
You may seen some person they will do only Skipping have toned body. Jumping brings fat loss that have stored in excess in our body. That's why, it helps in toned body and fat maintained body.
3. Strengthen our Cardiovascular:
Regular skipping improves our Cardiovascular system. It is one of the good cardio and improves our blood circulation.
4. Great tool for Weight loss:
The effort it takes to jump rope for 10 minutes is the equivalent of running a mile in eight minutes.
10mins of Skipping = 8 minutes of running
5. Strengthen our bones:
Skipping is a weight bearing exercise. Our own body is involved in this that so it will helps in strengthening our bones.
Skipping is an extraordinary and simple approach to lose those additional calories. It is safer than jogging or running as you arrive on your toes while doing it, without affecting your knees severely."
6. Helps in Coordination:
I'm a Pugilist. As we are in combat sports our functional training is in footwork. And this is basically done my Skipping. It helps in eye and hand Coordination.
Any workout without proper Nutrition you cant get nothing! And I'm waiting for your feedback. Must add this in your workout.
Besides all these, lot of results you can observe when you add this simple workout in your healthy life!!!!
Live Healthy , Die Healthy :)
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